Welcome to Star Wars 5e, a comprehensive overhaul of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition for a Star Wars campaign. It is built on the same mechanics as 5th edition, with those mechanics expanded. In these books, and on this website, you will find everything you need to run a Star Wars 5e campaign.

The Rulebooks

Star Wars 5e is currently comprised of four books—The Player's Handbook, Scum and Villainy, Starships of the Galaxy, and Wretched Hives—with two more books planned.

The Website

The website is designed to make this information present in the books more accessible for both players and GMs.

The four books, broken down by chapter, as well as a link to some SW5e variant rules.
Everything you need for your character, from fighting styles to force powers.
Grab your blaster, a nice suit of armor, a few thermal detonators, and take on the galaxy! Also, check out the tab for enhanced items.
Just like the characters tab, but for your ship. Hyperdrives, quad-cannons, and navicomputers -- it's all here.
Create your character right here on the SW5e website! (Currently in development)
Downloadable pdfs, character sheets, podcasts and more.
A comprehensive list of contributors to the SW5e project.

Getting in Touch

Star Wars 5e has five social media channels. Any time there is a content update or expanded content release, I share it across all five channels simultaneously, so you can follow on whichever you prefer.


Discord is where the development occurs. If you have questions that you've otherwise not been able to find answers to, or you want to develop content for Star Wars 5e, this is the place to do it.


These three channels are used for sharing Star Wars 5e content, questions, and more.


The Patreon is set up to cover the costs of this website. It supports Delta Squad, the team that manages this site and n7.world, a Mass Effect 5e conversion. As a Patron, you can choose to have your contribution go towards this site, n7.world, or both.